1260 S. Main Street, Suite 201 Salinas, CA 93901
665 Munras Avenue Suite 220, Monterey, CA 93940
This laser is referred to as the Therma-Scan or the 1319. It targets the collagen, or main building block of the skin. This innovative technology treats wrinkles, fine lines, aging skin, hypertrophic scars and acne scars. It is great for patients on the OBAGI system who are using it primarily for the treatment of acne. The Therma-Scan works by stimulating fibroblast cells in you skin to begin generating collagen. Collagen and Elastin Fibers continue to multiply after your treatments and you will notice improving results over the months ahead. This treatments will help restore your skin to its natural beauty, making it softer, smoother and more vibrant. It will help in wrinkle reduction and restoring your skin to it’s natural beauty. All skin types can be treated and at least 2 treatments are needed to stimulate new collagen growth. Most people will start to see the benefits by the fourth treatment. There is no down time, the procedure causes almost no discomfort, and makeup can be immediately applied.